Autumn Greens Soup
This is a simple vegetable soup that signifies to me that fall has arrived! As George Costanza says… ‘Shifting into soup mode.’ This will make a generous amount for 4 people. Make the recipe your own by using your favorite vegetables or whatever is in your fridge. Fennel, cabbage, leeks could all be nice additions. Use your best olive oil and be generous with it! Also taking the time to chop the veg into evenly sized pieces makes the final result pleasing to to eye as well as the palate!

1 large onion, diced
2 garlic cloves, chopped
2 carrots, peeled and diced
1 large russet potato, peeled and cubed
5 celery stalks, diced
1 zucchini, chopped
1 head of asparagus, chopped into 1 inch pieces, hard ends discarded (not necessarily in season, but I had a bunch!)
1 head curly kale, stem removed, chopped
1/2 bunch fresh herbs like parsley, cilantro, dill chopped
1 lemon
1 bay leaf
2 tbs champagne vinegar
3 cups of vegetable broth
1/3 cup Parmesan (optional)
1/3 c dry Lorenza Rosé or Picpoul Blanc
High quality olive oil
Chop all the vegetables into equal size pieces.
Step 1. Pour 1 cup olive oil into a pot. Add onion, carrot, celery and potato with bay leaf and a big pinch or two of salt. Sauté until soft.
Step 2: Add the garlic, cook for two minutes. Add 1/3 cup of Lorenza rosé or picpoul.
Step 3. Add 3 cups of broth.
Step 4. Add kale, zucchini, asparagus. Cut off the Parmesan rind and add to the pot. Add a peel or two of lemon rind to the pot.
Step 5. Simmer for 30 minutes, covered.
Step 6. When all the vegetables are soft spoon out the Parmesan rind and lemon peel.
Step 7. Ladle soup into bowls and add a splash of champagne vinegar. Cover in fresh herbs, grated Parmesan, freshly cracked pepper, salt and chili flakes. Add one more drizzle of olive oil and serve with a piece of grilled bread and a glass of Lorenza.